Table of Contents
The Wave file format is Windows' native file format for storing digital audio
data. It has become one of the most widely supported digital audio file formats
on the PC due to the popularity of Windows and the huge number of programs written
for the platform. Almost every modern program that can open and/or save digital
audio supports this file format, making it both extremely useful and a virtual
requirement for software developers to understand. The following specification
gives a detailed description of the structure and inner workings of this format.
Data Formats
Since the Wave file format is native to Windows and therefor Intel processors, all
data values are stored in Little-Endian
(least significant byte first) order.
Wave files may contain strings of text for specifying cue point labels, notes,
etc. Strings are stored in a format where the first byte specifies the number of
following ASCII text bytes in the string. The following bytes are of course the
ASCII character bytes that make up the text string. Pascal programmers will
notice that this is the same format used for Pascal strings.
Wave String Format Example
File Structure
Basic Wave File Layout
Chunk ID "RIFF"
Chunk Data Size
Chunk ID "fmt "
Chunk Data Size
Sample Format Info
Chunk ID "data"
Chunk Data Size
Digital Audio Samples
Chunk Header
Chunk Data Bytes
Wave files use the standard RIFF structure which
groups the files contents (sample format, digital audio samples, etc.) into separate
chunks, each containing it's own header and data bytes. The chunk header specifies
the type and size of the chunk data bytes. This organization method allows programs
that do not use or recognize particular types of chunks to easily skip over them and
continue processing following known chunks. Certain types of chunks may contain
sub-chunks. For example, in the diagram to the right, you can see that the "fmt "
and "data" chunks are actually sub-chunks of the "RIFF" chunk.
One tricky thing about RIFF file chunks is that they must be word aligned. This
means that their total size must be a multiple of 2 bytes (ie. 2, 4, 6, 8, and so
on). If a chunk contains an odd number of data bytes, causing it not to be word
aligned, an extra padding byte with a value of zero must follow the last data byte.
This extra padding byte is not counted in the chunk size, therefor a program must
always word align a chunk headers size value in order to calculate the offset of
the following chunk.
Wave File Header - RIFF Type Chunk
Wave file headers follow the standard RIFF file format structure. The first 8 bytes
in the file is a standard RIFF chunk header which has a chunk ID of "RIFF" and a
chunk size equal to the file size minus the 8 bytes used by the header. The first 4
data bytes in the "RIFF" chunk determines the type of resource found in the RIFF chunk.
Wave files always use "WAVE". After the RIFF type comes all of the Wave file chunks
that define the audio waveform.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID | "RIFF" (0x52494646) |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size | (file size) - 8 |
0x08 | 4 | RIFF Type | "WAVE" (0x57415645) |
0x10 | Wave chunks |
RIFF Type Chunk Values |
Wave File Chunks
There are quite a few types of chunks defined for Wave files. Many Wave files
contain only two of them, specifically the Format Chunk and the Data Chunk.
These are the two chunks needed to describe the format of the digital audio samples
and the samples themselves. Although it is not required by the official Wave file
specification, it is good practice to place the Format Chunk before the Data Chunk.
Many programs expect the chunks to be stored in this order and it is more sensible
when streaming digital audio from a slow, linear source such as the Internet. If
the format were to come after the data, all of the data and then the format would
have to be streamed before playback could start correctly.
All RIFF Chunks and therefore Wave Chunks are stored in the following format.
Notice that even the above mentioned RIFF Type Chunk conforms to this format.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size |
0x08 | Chunk Data Bytes |
RIFF Chunk Format |
The rest of this document goes through the different types of Wave chunks, describing
the format of their data bytes and what they mean. You can use the table of contents at
the beginning of this document to help find the chunk type you are interested in.
Format Chunk - "fmt "
The format chunk contains information about how the waveform data is
stored and should be played back including the type of compression
used, number of channels, sample rate, bits per sample and other
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID | "fmt " (0x666D7420) |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size | 16 + extra format bytes |
0x08 | 2 | Compression code | 1 - 65,535 |
0x0a | 2 | Number of channels | 1 - 65,535 |
0x0c | 4 | Sample rate | 1 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x10 | 4 | Average bytes per second | 1 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x14 | 2 | Block align | 1 - 65,535 |
0x16 | 2 | Significant bits per sample | 2 - 65,535 |
0x18 | 2 | Extra format bytes | 0 - 65,535 |
0x1a | Extra format bytes * |
Wave Format Chunk Values, * read following text for details
Chunk ID and Data Size The chunk ID is always "fmt " (0x666D7420) and the size
is the size of the standard wave format data (16 bytes) plus the size of any extra
format bytes needed for the specific Wave format, if it does not contain uncompressed
PCM data. Note the chunk ID string ends with the space character (0x20).
Compression Code The first word of format data specifies the type of
compression used on the Wave data included in the Wave chunk found in this "RIFF"
chunk. The following is a list of the common compression codes used today.
Code | Description |
0 (0x0000) | Unknown |
1 (0x0001) | PCM/uncompressed |
2 (0x0002) | Microsoft ADPCM |
6 (0x0006) | ITU G.711 a-law |
7 (0x0007) | ITU G.711 �-law |
17 (0x0011) | IMA ADPCM |
20 (0x0016) | ITU G.723 ADPCM (Yamaha) |
49 (0x0031) | GSM 6.10 |
64 (0x0040) | ITU G.721 ADPCM |
80 (0x0050) | MPEG |
65,536 (0xFFFF) | Experimental |
Common Wave Compression Codes
Number of Channels The number of channels specifies how many separate audio
signals that are encoded in the wave data chunk. A value of 1 means a mono signal, a
value of 2 means a stereo signal, etc.
Sample Rate The number of sample slices per second. This value is unaffected
by the number of channels.
Average Bytes Per Second This value indicates how many bytes of wave data
must be streamed to a D/A converter per second in order to play the wave file. This
information is useful when determining if data can be streamed from the source fast
enough to keep up with playback. This value can be easily calculated with the formula:
AvgBytesPerSec = SampleRate * BlockAlign
Block Align The number of bytes per sample slice. This value is not
affected by the number of channels and can be calculated with the formula:
BlockAlign = SignificantBitsPerSample / 8 * NumChannels
Significant Bits Per Sample This value specifies the number of bits used to
define each sample. This value is usually 8, 16, 24 or 32. If the number of bits is not
byte aligned (a multiple of 8) then the number of bytes used per sample is rounded up to
the nearest byte size and the unused bytes are set to 0 and ignored.
Extra Format Bytes This value specifies how many additional format bytes
follow. It does not exist if the compression code is 0 (uncompressed PCM file) but may
exist and have any value for other compression types depending on what compression
information is need to decode the wave data. If this value is not word aligned (a
multiple of 2), padding should be added to the end of this data to word align it, but
the value should remain non-aligned.
Data Chunk - "data"
The Wave Data Chunk contains the digital audio sample data which can be decoded using the
format and compression method specified in the Wave Format Chunk. If the Compression Code
is 1 (uncompressed PCM), then the Wave Data contains raw sample values. This document
explains how an uncompressed PCM data is stored, but will not get into the many supported
compression formats.
Wave files usually contain only one data chunk, but they may contain more than one if
they are contained within a Wave List Chunk ("wavl").
Offset | Length | Type | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | char[4] | chunk ID | "data" (0x64617461) |
0x04 | 4 | dword | chunk size | depends on sample length and compression |
0x08 | sample data |
Data Chunk Format
Multi-channel digital audio samples are stored as interlaced wave data which simply means
that the audio samples of a multi-channel (such as stereo and surround) wave file are stored
by cycling through the audio samples for each channel before advancing to the next sample
time. This is done so that the audio files can be played or streamed before the entire file
can be read. This is handy when playing a large file from disk (that may not completely fit
into memory) or streaming a file over the Internet. The values in the diagram below would be
stored in a Wave file in the order they are listed in the Value column (top to bottom).
Time | Channel | Value |
0 | 1 (left) | 0x0053 |
2 (right) | 0x0024 |
1 | 1 (left) | 0x0057 |
2 (right) | 0x0029 |
2 | 1 (left) | 0x0063 |
2 (right) | 0x003C |
Interlaced Stereo Wave Samples
One point about sample data that may cause some confusion is that when samples are
represented with 8-bits, they are specified as unsigned values. All other sample bit-sizes
are specified as signed values. For example a 16-bit sample can range from -32,768 to
+32,767 with a mid-point (silence) at 0.
As mentioned earlier, all RIFF chunks (including WAVE "data" chunks) must be word aligned.
If the sample data uses an odd number of bytes, a padding byte with a value of zero must be
placed at the end of the sample data. The "data" chunk header's size should not include this
Fact Chunk - "fact"
A fact chunk stores compression code dependant information about the contents of the Wave file.
It is required by all compressed WAVE formats and if the waveform data is contained inside a
"wavl" LIST chunk, but is not required for the uncompressed PCM WAVE format files (compression
code 1) that contain the waveform data inside a "data" chunk.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID | "fact" (0x66616374) |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size | depends on format |
0x08 | Format Dependant Data |
Fact Chunk Format
Format Dependant Data
There is currently only one field defined for the format dependant data. It is a single 4-byte
value that specifies the number of samples in the waveform data chunk. This value can be used
with the Samples Per Second value specified in the format chunk to calculate the waveforms
length in seconds.
As new WAVE formats are introduced, the fact chunk will be expanded, appending fields after
the defined number of samples field. Applications can use the fact chunk size to determine which
fields are present in the chunk.
Wave List Chunk - "wavl"
A wave list chunk is used to specify several alternating "slnt" and "data" chunks. These
chunks can help reduce a Wave file's size while specifying audible segments of samples when
a stream of digital audio contains several periods of silence.
This type of chunk is considered to be an abuse of the Wave file format by many
programmers (including myself) and it's support is not recommended. Also many programs will
not recognize this type of chunk, simply ignoring it. This form of compression unnecessarily
complicates the structure of a Wave file and could be better implemented in other ways,
including the use of several existing compression formats.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID | "slnt" (0x736C6E74) |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size | depends on size of data and slnt chunks |
0x08 | List of Alternating "slnt" and "data" Chunks |
Wave List Chunk Format
Silent Chunk - "slnt"
A silent chunk is used to specify a segment of silence that will last some duration of
samples. It is always contained within a wave list chunk. While this chunk represents
silence, it does not necessarily define a zero volume or baseline sample. It actually
holds the last sample value present in the preceding data chunk in the wave list chunk.
If there is no preceding data chunk in the wave list chunk, a baseline value should be
used (127 for 8-bit data, 0 for 16-bit or higher data). This may seem trivial, but if
not followed, may cause undesired clicks and pops in the audio signal.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID | "slnt" (0x736C6E74) |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size | 4 |
0x08 | 4 | Number of Silent Samples | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
Silent Chunk Format
Number of Silent Samples
This value specifies the number of silent samples that appear in the waveform at this
point in the wave list chunk.
Cue Chunk - "cue "
A cue chunk specifies one or more sample offsets which are often used to mark noteworthy
sections of audio. For example, the beginning and end of a verse in a song may have cue
points to make them easier to find. The cue chunk is optional and if included, a single
cue chunk should specify all cue points for the "WAVE" chunk. No more than one cue chunk
is allowed in a "WAVE" chunk.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID | "cue " (0x63756520) |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size | depends on Num Cue Points |
0x08 | 4 | Num Cue Points | number of cue points in list |
0x0c | List of Cue Points |
Cue Chunk Format
Chunk ID and Data Size
The chunk ID for a cue chunk is always "cue " (0x666D7420). Note that the chunk ID string ends
with the space character (0x20). The chunk data size is equal to the size of the Num Cue Points
value (4) plus the number of following cue points multiplied by the size of each cue point's
data (24). The following formula can be used to calculate a Cue Chunk's data size:
ChunkDataSize = 4 + (NumCuePoints * 24)
Num Cue Points
This value specifies the number of following cue points in this chunk.
List of Cue Points
A list of cue points is simply a set of consecutive cue point descriptions that follow the
format described below.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | ID | unique identification value |
0x04 | 4 | Position | play order position |
0x08 | 4 | Data Chunk ID | RIFF ID of corresponding data chunk |
0x0c | 4 | Chunk Start | Byte Offset of Data Chunk * |
0x10 | 4 | Block Start | Byte Offset to sample of First Channel |
0x14 | 4 | Sample Offset | Byte Offset to sample byte of First Channel |
Cue Point Format
Each cue point has a unique identification value used to associate cue points with information
in other chunks. For example, a Label chunk contains text that describes a point in the wave
file by referencing the associated cue point.
The position specifies the sample offset associated with the cue point in terms of the
sample's position in the final stream of samples generated by the play list. Said in
another way, if a play list chunk is specified, the position value is equal to the sample
number at which this cue point will occur during playback of the entire play list as defined
by the play list's order. If no play list chunk is specified this value should be 0.
Data Chunk ID
This value specifies the four byte ID used by the chunk containing the sample that corresponds
to this cue point. A Wave file with no play list is always "data". A Wave file with a play
list containing both sample data and silence may be either "data" or "slnt".
Chunk Start
The Chunk Start value specifies the byte offset into the Wave List Chunk of the chunk
containing the sample that corresponds to this cue point. This is the same chunk described
by the Data Chunk ID value. If no Wave List Chunk exists in the Wave file, this value is 0.
If a Wave List Chunk exists, this is the offset into the "wavl" chunk. The first chunk in the
Wave List Chunk would be specified with a value of 0.
Block Start
The Block Start value specifies the byte offset into the "data" or "slnt" Chunk to the start
of the block containing the sample. The start of a block is defined as the first byte in
uncompressed PCM wave data or the last byte in compressed wave data where decompression
can begin to find the value of the corresponding sample value.
Sample Offset
The Sample Offset specifies an offset into the block (specified by Block Start) for the sample
that corresponds to the cue point. In uncompressed PCM waveform data, this is simply the byte
offset into the "data" chunk. In compressed waveform data, this value is equal to the number
of samples (may or may not be bytes) from the Block Start to the sample that corresponds to
the cue point.
Playlist Chunk - "plst"
The playlist chunk specifies the play order of a series of cue points. The cue points are
defined in the cue chunk, somewhere else in the file. A playlist consists of an array of
segments, each containing information about what sample the segment should start playing from,
how long the segment is (in samples) and how many times to repeat the segment before moving
on to the next segment in the play order.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID | "plst" (0x736C6E74) |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size | num segments * 12 |
0x08 | 4 | Number of Segments | 1 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x0a | List of Segments |
Playlist Chunk Format
Number of Segments
This value specifies the number of following segments in the playlist chunk.
List of Segments
A list of segments is simply a set of consecutive segment descriptions that follow the format
described below. The segments do not have to be in any particular order because each segments
associated cue point position is used to determine the play order.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Cue Point ID | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x04 | 4 | Length (in samples) | 1 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x08 | 4 | Number of Repeats | 1 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
Segment Format
Cue Point ID
The Cue Point ID specifies the starting sample for this segment by providing the value of a
Cue Point defined in the Cue Point List. The ID that associates this segment with a Cue Point
must be unique to all other segment Cue Point IDs.
The Segment Length specifies the number of samples to play/loop from the starting sample defined
by the associated Cue Point.
Number of Repeats
The number of repeats determines how many times this segment should be looped before playback
should continue onto the next segment.
Associated Data List Chunk - "list"
An associated data list chunk is used to define text labels and names which are associated with
the cue points to provide each text label or name a position.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID | "list" (0x6C696E74) |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size | depends on contained text |
0x08 | 4 | Type ID | "adtl" (0x6164746C) |
0x0c | List of Text Labels and Names |
Associated Data List Chunk Format
Type ID
The type ID is used to identify the type of associated data list and is always "adtl".
List of Text Labels and Names
The list of text labels and names is a list of assorted chunks that define text in different
ways. The three main chunk types that are used in WAVE files are the Label Chunk, Note Chunk
and Labeled Text Chunk.
Label Chunk - "labl"
The label chunk is always contained inside of an associated data list chunk. It is used to
associate a text label with a Cue Point. This information is often displayed next to markers
or flags in digital audio editors.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID | "labl" (0x6C61626C) |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size | depends on contained text |
0x08 | 4 | Cue Point ID | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x0c | Text |
Label Chunk Format
Cue Point ID
The Cue Point ID specifies the sample point that corresponds to this text label by providing
the ID of a Cue Point defined in the Cue Point List. The ID that associates this label with a
Cue Point must be unique to all other label Cue Point IDs.
The text is a null terminated string of characters. If the number of characters in the string
is not even, padding must be appended to the string. The appended padding is not considered in
the label chunk's chunk size field.
Note Chunk - "note"
The label chunk is always contained inside of an associated data list chunk. It is used to
associate a text comment with a Cue Point. This information is stored in an identical fashion
to the labels in the label chunk.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID | "note" (0x6E6F7465) |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size | depends on contained text |
0x08 | 4 | Cue Point ID | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x0C | Text |
Label Chunk Format
Cue Point ID
The Cue Point ID specifies the sample point that corresponds to this text comment by providing
the ID of a Cue Point defined in the Cue Point List. The ID that associates this label with
a Cue Point must be unique to all other note chunk Cue Point IDs.
The text is a null terminated string of characters. If the number of characters in the string
is not even, padding must be appended to the string. The appended padding is not considered in
the note chunk's chunk size field.
Labeled Text Chunk - "ltxt"
The labeled text chunk is always contained inside of an associated data list chunk. It is used
to associate a text label with a region or section of waveform data. This information is often
displayed in marked regions of a waveform in digital audio editors.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID | "ltxt" (0x6C747874) |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size | depends on contained text |
0x08 | 4 | Cue Point ID | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x0c | 4 | Sample Length | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x10 | 4 | Purpose ID | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x12 | 2 | Country | 0 - 0xFFFF |
0x14 | 2 | Language | 0 - 0xFFFF |
0x16 | 2 | Dialect | 0 - 0xFFFF |
0x18 | 2 | Code Page | 0 - 0xFFFF |
0x1A | Text |
Label Chunk Format
Cue Point ID
The Cue Point ID specifies the starting sample point that corresponds to this text label by
providing the ID of a Cue Point defined in the Cue Point List. The ID that associates this label with
a Cue Point must be unique to all other note chunk Cue Point IDs.
Sample Length
The sample length defines how many samples from the cue point the region or section spans.
Purpose ID
The purpose field specifies what the text is used for. For example a value of "scrp" means
script text, and "capt" means close-caption. There are several more purpose IDs, but they
are meant to be used with other types of RIFF files (not usually found in WAVE files).
Country, Language, Dialect and Code Page
These fields are used to specify information about the location and language used by the text
and are typically used for queries to obtain information from the operating system.
The text is a null terminated string of characters. If the number of characters in the string
is not even, padding must be appended to the string. The appended padding is not considered in
the note chunk's chunk size field.
Sampler Chunk - "smpl"
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID | "smpl" (0x736D706C) |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size | 36 + (Num Sample Loops * 24) + Sampler Data |
0x08 | 4 | Manufacturer | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x0C | 4 | Product | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x10 | 4 | Sample Period | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x14 | 4 | MIDI Unity Note | 0 - 127 |
0x18 | 4 | MIDI Pitch Fraction | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x1C | 4 | SMPTE Format | 0, 24, 25, 29, 30 |
0x20 | 4 | SMPTE Offset | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x24 | 4 | Num Sample Loops | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x28 | 4 | Sampler Data | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x2C | List of Sample Loops |
Sampler Chunk Format
The manufacturer field specifies the MIDI Manufacturer's Association (MMA) Manufacturer code
for the sampler intended to receive this file's waveform. Each manufacturer of a MIDI product
is assigned a unique ID which identifies the company. If no particular manufacturer is to be
specified, a value of 0 should be used.
The value is stored with some extra information to enable translation to the value used in
a MIDI System Exclusive transmission to the sampler. The high byte indicates the number of
low order bytes (1 or 3) that are valid for the manufacturer code. For example, the value
for Digidesign will be 0x01000013 (0x13) and the value for Microsoft will be 0x30000041
(0x00, 0x00, 0x41). See the MIDI Manufacturers List for a list.
The product field specifies the MIDI model ID defined by the manufacturer corresponding to
the Manufacturer field. Contact the manufacturer of the sampler to get the model ID.
If no particular manufacturer's product is to be specified, a value of 0 should be used.
Sample Period
The sample period specifies the duration of time that passes during the playback of one
sample in nanoseconds (normally equal to 1 / Samplers Per Second, where Samples Per Second
is the value found in the format chunk).
MIDI Unity Note
The MIDI unity note value has the same meaning as the instrument chunk's MIDI Unshifted Note
field which specifies the musical note at which the sample will be played at it's original
sample rate (the sample rate specified in the format chunk).
MIDI Pitch Fraction
The MIDI pitch fraction specifies the fraction of a semitone up from the specified MIDI unity
note field. A value of 0x80000000 means 1/2 semitone (50 cents) and a value of 0x00000000
means no fine tuning between semitones.
SMPTE Format
The SMPTE format specifies the Society of Motion Pictures and Television E time format used
in the following SMPTE Offset field. If a value of 0 is set, SMPTE Offset should also be
set to 0.
Value | SMPTE Format |
0 | no SMPTE offset |
24 | 24 frames per second |
25 | 25 frames per second |
29 | 30 frames per second with frame dropping (30 drop) |
30 | 30 frames per second |
SMPTE Format Values
SMPTE Offset
The SMPTE Offset value specifies the time offset to be used for the synchronization /
calibration to the first sample in the waveform. This value uses a format of 0xhhmmssff
where hh is a signed value that specifies the number of hours (-23 to 23), mm is an
unsigned value that specifies the number of minutes (0 to 59), ss is an unsigned value
that specifies the number of seconds (0 to 59) and ff is an unsigned value that specifies
the number of frames (0 to -1).
Sample Loops
The sample loops field specifies the number Sample Loop definitions in the following list.
This value may be set to 0 meaning that no sample loops follow.
Sampler Data
The sampler data value specifies the number of bytes that will follow this chunk (including
the entire sample loop list). This value is greater than 0 when an application needs to
save additional information. This value is reflected in this chunks data size value.
List of Sample Loops
A list of sample loops is simply a set of consecutive loop descriptions that follow the format
described below. The sample loops do not have to be in any particular order because each
sample loop associated cue point position is used to determine the play order. The sampler
chunk is optional.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Cue Point ID | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x04 | 4 | Type | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x08 | 4 | Start | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x0C | 4 | End | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x10 | 4 | Fraction | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
0x14 | 4 | Play Count | 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF |
Sample Loop Format
Cue Point ID
The Cue Point ID specifies the unique ID that corresponds to one of the defined cue points in
the cue point list. Furthermore, this ID corresponds to any labels defined in the associated
data list chunk which allows text labels to be assigned to the various sample loops.
The type field defines how the waveform samples will be looped.
Value | Loop Type |
0 | Loop forward (normal) |
1 | Alternating loop (forward/backward, also known as Ping Pong) |
2 | Loop backward (reverse) |
3 - 31 | Reserved for future standard types |
32 - 0xFFFFFFFF | Sampler specific types (defined by manufacturer) |
Loop Type Values
The start value specifies the byte offset into the waveform data of the first sample to be
played in the loop.
The end value specifies the byte offset into the waveform data of the last sample to be
played in the loop.
The fractional value specifies a fraction of a sample at which to loop. This allows a loop
to be fine tuned at a resolution greater than one sample. The value can range from
0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF. A value of 0 means no fraction, a value of 0x80000000 means 1/2
of a sample length. 0xFFFFFFFF is the smallest fraction of a sample that can be represented.
Play Count
The play count value determines the number of times to play the loop. A value of 0 specifies
an infinite sustain loop. An infinite sustain loop will continue looping until some external
force interrupts playback, such as the musician releasing the key that triggered the wave's
playback. All other values specify an absolute number of times to loop.
Instrument Chunk - "inst"
The instrument chunk is used to describe how the waveform should be played as an instrument
sound. This information is useful for communicating musical information between sample-based
music programs, such as trackers or software wavetables. This chunk is optional and no more
than 1 may appear in a WAVE file.
Offset | Size | Description | Value |
0x00 | 4 | Chunk ID | "ltxt" (0x6C747874) |
0x04 | 4 | Chunk Data Size | 7 |
0x08 | 1 | Unshifted Note | 0 - 127 |
0x09 | 1 | Fine Tune (dB) | -50 - +50 |
0x0A | 1 | Gain | -64 - +64 |
0x0B | 1 | Low Note | 0 - 127 |
0x0C | 1 | High Note | 0 - 127 |
0x0D | 1 | Low Velocity | 1 - 127 |
0x0E | 1 | High Velocity | 1 - 127 |
Instrument Chunk Format
Unshifted Note
The unshifted note field has the same meaning as the sampler chunk's MIDI Unity Note which
specifies the musical note at which the sample will be played at it's original sample rate
(the sample rate specified in the format chunk).
Fine Tune
The fine tune value specifies how much the sample's pitch should be altered when the sound
is played back in cents (1/100 of a semitone). A negative value means that the pitch should
be played lower and a positive value means that it should be played at a higher pitch.
The gain value specifies the number of decibels to adjust the output when it is played. A
value of 0dB means no change, 6dB means double the amplitude of each sample and -6dB means
to halve the amplitude of each sample. Every additional +/-6dB will double or halve the
amplitude again.
Low Note and High Note
The note fields specify the MIDI note range for which the waveform should be played when
receiving MIDI note events (from software or triggered by a MIDI controller). This range
does not need to include the Unshifted Note value.
Low Velocity and High Velocity
The velocity fields specify the range of MIDI velocities that should cause the waveform to
be played. 1 being the lightest amount and 127 being the hardest.
Format Variations
The down side to the Wave file format's popularity is that out of the hundreds of programs
that support it, many abuse or misuse it due to bad programming and/or poor documentation.
Once some of these "naughty" programs get fairly popular and churn out millions of
incorrect Wave files, the rest of the software industry is forced to deal with it and
write code that can read the incorrect files. New code should never write these errors,
but possibly read them. Below are a few exceptions that have been made to the
strict/original Wave file format.